Firmly Planted Stories: Happy to Be Here — Collette Connor

My family has been a part of the Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center since the beginning in 2017. We had been a part of Friday School (a homeschool co-op) for eight years and never imagined how God would evolve that program into what we have now at FPHRC. 

It’s an understatement to say this place has been an enormous blessing to our kids! Over the years they’ve been a part of a wide variety of workshops, including explosive chemistry, beekeeping, the Holocaust, immersive ASL, taco conversations, songwriting, car care, Pilgrim's Progress, as well as speaking and leadership workshops. One daughter even completed all the necessary workshops enabling her to produce her own audio drama–incredible! 

As the Center grew over the years, so did the need for department heads. I’d already been teaching math (to anyone who would listen) for the past 30 years, so I was thrilled when offered the position to lead this department. Math is my passion, so for me, nothing compares to watching the light bulbs come on in a child when everything clicks and the concept they’re reaching for is grasped! I’m likely known as the “crazy math lady” who makes all the different math videos– But I love it! With abundant favor, the Lord has brought together an outstanding team of math mentors and tutors and I'm so thankful for all He's doing. 

Firmly Planted has been an integral part of my family’s homeschooling journey and a dearly beloved source of community and connection. As much as we appreciate the many elements of this place and these people, what we love the most is their commitment to honor Christ first above everything else. 

I’m so happy to be here!


Firmly Planted Spotlight: Reclaiming the Arts — Lucinda Brown


Current Events in Education: The Answer to Boy Scouts’ Woke Destruction — Cameron + Tracee Linder