Firmly Planted Action: Voting - The People’s Tool -Julia Dawn Seaver
Three late-season blooms top the hydrangea bushes outside our large family room window, their vibrant violet, mauve, and indigo colors contrasting with the muted tones of the surrounding older blooms that tell us fall has arrived.
Soon I’ll bring in the last of the season’s blooms to enjoy a little longer. Then I’ll have to prune the bushes down. In spring, I’ll bring the fertilizer out, make sure they get enough water, but not too much, along with the right amount of sun. It’s the only way to get those beautiful, vibrant blooms next year.
It’s the same for everything we treasure, isn’t it? Whether it’s marriage, children, friendships, or health, it requires our time and effort.
The same is true for liberty.
It’s easy to get complacent, to think the Constitution alone will preserve our rights, but as Ronald Reagan reminded us, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same...”
The vote is how we protect our freedoms. It’s the people’s tool, the peoples’ voice in how they want to be governed. Yet, voter turnout is abysmal.
Last year Washington state had its lowest voter turnout in history.
Some say it doesn’t matter if they vote because Seattle voters decide every election, but staying home only makes that a self-fulfilling prophecy. Consider that the state hasn’t had a Republican governor in 40 years, the longest streak of any state in the country.
Then there are churches that proclaim, “We don’t do politics,” allowing in legislation that goes against biblical values and giving more authority to the government. Jeremiah 29:7 calls for us to get involved, “And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.” Psalm 33:12 urges us to align ourselves with God and seek His blessing, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as His own Inheritance.”
What would happen if everyone who’s convinced their lone vote wouldn’t make a difference all showed up to vote? What might the country look like if all God’s people cast votes that reflected their values?
I’d sure love to find out.