FPF Spotlight: HSLDA State of the Union Summary: Homeschooling Under Scrutiny - Carlene McKinley
Some of our leadership team recently went to the Homeschool Legal Defense Association’s Leadership Conference and it was a great time of networking, encouragement, and learning!
There are some alarming things happening in our country and the attorneys presented a “State of the Union” addressing mounting concerns over the future of homeschooling. As attacks on homeschool freedom increase, several legislative threats were highlighted, alongside the need for preparation and collaboration among the homeschooling community. Below are the key takeaways from the meeting.
Legislative Updates and Threats
Make Homeschooling Safe Act from CRHE
There is an organization CRHE (Coalition for Responsible Home Education) that is proposing new legislation that would grant school supervisors and Child Protective Services (CPS) increased oversight over homeschooling families. Even in cases of unfounded claims, parents could lose their ability to homeschool. The discussion around making homeschooling "safe" centers on protecting children from potential abuse or neglect. Proponents argue that if legislation can protect even one child, it is worth pursuing. However, this has raised alarms within the homeschooling community, as it challenges the autonomy and freedoms that homeschooling families have fought hard to preserve. These threats are emerging in both conservative and liberal states, making it clear that legislative changes are likely to spread across the country
"Knives Are Out for Homeschooling"
There is a coordinated effort to push for federal regulation of homeschooling, as numerous sources have voiced criticism of homeschool liberty. ProPublica, an independent nonprofit newsroom, has taken a critical view of homeschooling, asserting that the freedom to homeschool can lead to educational neglect. The frequency and intensity of criticism directed at homeschooling has increased, coming from a wide range of sources. This scrutiny is fueled by concerns over abuse and neglect.
National Level Developments
The Department of Education is in talks with multiple stakeholders, including HSLDA, CRHE, and MACHE, to discuss potential changes in homeschooling laws. The goal of these discussions is to provide social workers with more power to intervene in cases of suspected educational neglect, even without a conviction. Background checks and other restrictions could be on the horizon, though no bill has been officially proposed yet.
What Can Homeschool Advocates Do?
Homeschool advocates must be proactive in preparing for these challenges. Here are steps that were recommended during the meeting:
Pray for wisdom and protection for the homeschooling community.
Develop Relationships with diverse homeschool groups, especially left-leaning ones, and with groups that primarily exist on platforms like Facebook. This will help prevent division within the community.
Hire or Train a Lobbyist to represent homeschool interests effectively at the state level.
Capitol Day: Organize a day for homeschool advocates to meet legislators before a crisis arises.
Prepare Skilled Communicators: Have individuals ready to write op-eds, letters to the editor, and engage with journalists on homeschooling issues.
Stay Informed on the latest homeschool studies and provide clear, concise talking points to legislators to combat harmful bills.
Support Good Legislation: Advocate for bills that protect homeschooling freedoms.
The homeschooling community is not alone in this battle. State and local organizations, along with legal advocates, are ready to stand in defense of homeschool freedoms. Stay in touch with your state representatives and attorneys, and be prepared for hearings or regulations that may arise in your state. Together, we can ensure that homeschooling remains a safe and protected option for future generations.
The Firmly Planted Homeschool Resource Center is available to provide guidance and support to the homeschooling community. Let’s work together to safeguard the hard-won freedoms that allow families to homeschool today.
Written By: Carlene McKinley and presented by HSLDA
Some of our incredible FPHRC Leadership Team at the HSLDA Conference in September 2024.
First Photo Left to Right:
Carlene McKinley, Haley Choate, Heidi St. John, and Jay St. John